Fast Dial Transparent For Vista And Windows 7 Only.

This code makes fast dial and all of firefox transparent but the down side is it makes all websites transparent, which some people will like it some people won't.

Beginners can have a look at the beginning of this thread here

Make sure you remove all other transparent apps, plugins, addons or stylish glass codes.

You will need to add both styles or it will not work, firefox may freeze when enabling styles.

If firefox freezes click on show desktop on windows and restore firefox, will not happen again until you disable any of the styles.

Add New Stylish Name It Glass Firefox.

@namespace url(;

-moz-appearance: -moz-win-glass !important ;
background: transparent !important;
color:white !important;


Add Another Stylish Name It Glass Websites and Fast Dial.

@namespace url(;

@-moz-document url("") {

-moz-appearance: transparent !important ;
color: white !important;}


@-moz-document url-prefix("http://"), url-prefix("https://") {

background: black !important ; }


Click on this link for expanded version